Day 13: Moving In and Cracking Up

And I thought yesterday was eventful. Yesterday had nothing on today.

The Red Hiking

I'm really going to miss free tea for breakfast

After we checked out from the hotel we've been staying at in Menlo Park, we took advantage of the nice weather to go hiking among the redwoods. We stopped at the Purisma Creek Redwoods to take the Purisma Creek Trail for a while.

Redwood trees are tall. Much taller than me.

Life finds a way

Because puns

Tyler, Eric, and myself. Eric is sporting his fantastic hiking hair

It's really an experience to hike around in the forests, something that photos can're capture. If you ever happen to be in the area, add that to the long list of recommendations I have for you.

Insert inspirational music/text

City bound again

Once we dropped off our rental cars at the airport, we took to the public transit to get into the heart of San Francisco.

Took a while, but we got there

Our house is in the Castro district of San Francisco. It's exciting to be back in the middle of things again. Menlo Park was nice, but it was hard to get to things. It's also good to have a kitchen again.

The Castro Theatre

After we got our stuff into the house, a few of us headed out to get food (both groceries and dinner). We ended up getting food at Super Duper Burger, a small local fast food joint. It was delicious, if a little greasy. Afterwards we stopped at Safeway in order to grab some groceries for snacks and breakfast. I anticipate further stops in order to get materials to make dinner. The only bad thing about today was that I accidentally dropped my phone and cracked the screen today. Still, it works, and I have no slivers of glass in my thumbs, so it's safe to use. After we got back, it was time to relax after a long day. We played a few rounds of ping pong (hopefully we'll have a full ranking list set up soon), and played a whole bunch of Mario Kart.We'll see what tomorrow brings, hopefully some sightseeing in San Fran.


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